
Aubourn and Haddington PC September 2nd 2019 2 members of public present also 2 NK Cllrs Public time Discussion on flooding on Royal Oak Lane and update from me. Agreed to write to LCC highways To support residents complaints. Discussed new interactive speed watch sign. Explained system . Resident present offered to deal with data and provide PC with evidence each month. Cllr Green gave her report attached to the minutes.No info or comments from Cllr Spray Parish council meeting opened. Apologies from Cllrs Dinsdale and Warwick. Cllr Woodman declared interest in matters relating to the clerk. Finance cheques agreed and signed report appended to the minutes. It was agreed to make a donation of £100 to the Bomber Gateway Trust. No current planning applications. No progress had been made with highways concerning the state of the footpath on Bridge Road and Church Road. It was agreed to ask Nina Camm at NK if she could help. A request had been received for the footpath connecting Haddington Road with the slip road from the A46 to be cleared. The cluster meeting report was given by Cllr Mrs Woodman. The speaker was Peter Graham, treasurer to the Bomber Gateway Trust. The cluster reiterated that it was a closed meeting for parish Cllrs from parishes within the Bassingham and Brant Broughton ward plus Witham St Hughs. They decided to set up a database of tradesmen used by pc’s and recommended. Cllr Harston reported on the meeting with Graham Butler of the road safety partnership. Cllr Warwick had emailed some notes to the clerk It was thought not to take part in the speed watch program at this point, it was also thought that 4 brackets were enough as we have only one speed indicator sign. The clock tower heritage room will be open on Sunday 15 Sept 2-4pm also the Dovecote. This is part of Lincs Heritage week. It was reported that the Enterprise Centre had given tenants notice to quit as NK had agreed to give up the lease at the end of the financial year.It is owned byLincs CC. It is not known what plans there are for the building. Finally the awaited report from Eon on the condition of the street lights in Haddington had been received. A decision as to what actions to take will be made at the next meeting. Cllrs noted that cars were parking on the footpaths in Aubourn preventing wheelchairs and push chairs accessing them safely. The PCSO is to be asked to visit and request that parking is on the road. Continuing litter problems in Haddington. Mrs South is to be asked which parts of Haddington she covers. The notice board on Bridge Road needs attention as does the seat on Royal Oak Lane. Next cluster meeting is on October 14 in Carlton Le Moorland village hall at 7.30pm. The next parish council meeting is on 7 October at 7.30. The meeting closed at 9pm.