2021-22 Bank Reconciliation

Bank Reconciliation 2021/22 

This reconciliation should include all bank and building society accounts, including short term investment accounts. It must agree to Box 8 in the column headed “Year ending 31 March 2022” in Section 2 of the AGAR – and will also agree to Box 7 where the accounts are prepared on a receipts and payments basis. Please complete the highlighted boxes, remembering that unpresented cheques should be entered as negative figures. 

Name of smaller authority: Aubourn and Haddington 

Financial year ending 31 March 2022 

Prepared by (Name and Role): Kerrie Vickers - Clerk/RFO 

Date: 29/06/2022 

Balance per bank statements as at 31/3/2022 

Community Account 1 £12,523.32

Business Premium Account 1 £3,252.87 

Business Premium Account 2 £1,380.36 

Total £17156.55

Petty cash float (if applicable) £0 

Less: any unpresented cheques as at 31/3/2022  

Cheque ending in            459    -£290.72 

Cheque ending in            460   -£15.00 

Cheque ending in            461   -£99.58 

Cheque ending in            462   -£891.11 

Cheque ending in            465  -£100.00 

Cheque ending in            467 -£2445.60 

Total          -£3842.01 

Add: any un-banked cash as at 31/3/2022 £0 

Net balances as at 31/3/2022 (Box 8) £17,156.55