October 2021 Extra Ordinary Meeting

Aubourn and Haddington Parish Council

An extraordinary meeting was held on Thursday 14 October at 6pm in the Clock Tower.

Present were Cllr Mrs Pat Woodman MBE co chairman, Cllr John Mosedale co chairman

Cllr Fred Harston.

Cllr Mrs Stubbs sent her apologies.

Ms Kerrie Vickers, proposed new clerk

Cllr Mosedale proposed formal ratification of Ms Vickers as clerk and financial officer to the council.

This was seconded by Cllr Mrs Woodman and agreed by Cllr Harston.

Ms Vickers accepted and agreed the contract of employment and job specification.

The councils banking arrangements were then discussed, general dissatisfaction being

Expressed with Barclays with whom we bank at present.

It was proposed and agreed that we should transfer to the Unity Trust Bank.

Cllr Mosedale will undertake this change.

Email addresses for the council were discussed. Cllr Mosedale suggested that Cllrs have a separate email address for council business negating the use of their personal email address for parish council business.

This was agreed.

The parish council has two representatives on the Aubourn Charity, Cllr Mrs Woodman who is both a

Trustee and secretary, Cllr Denis Knott who resigned from the council last week owing to ill health.

It was proposed and agreed that Mr Knott should remain as a council representative at present.

The next meeting will be on Monday 8th November.