October 2021

October 4 2021 

Aubourn and Haddington Parish Council held a meeting at 6pm in the Heritage Room of the Clock Tower. 

Minutes of the meeting 

Present- Cllr Mrs Woodman MBE, co chairman, Cllr Mosedale co chairman, Cllr Harston 

Cllr Mrs Stubbs. NKDC Cllr Mrs Green 

No members of the public were present. 

Cllr Mrs Woodman welcomed everyone to the meeting. 

The chairman announced that she had received the resignation of Cllr Denis Knott and apologies for the meeting tonight. 

Cllr Knott is not well and feels he can no longer participate as he would wish. 

The council regretfully accepted his resignation and tributes were paid to him for his long service, help in the community and as a Trustee on the Nevile charity. 

It was reported that owing to family illness Mr Mike Winter no longer felt able to accept the post of clerk to the council. 

There were no apologies or declarations of interest. 

The draft minutes of the meeting held on 25 August were approved and signed. 

Cllr Harston queried whether the PCSO’s had been contacted re vehicle’s travelling down Dovecote Lane which is restricted to “access only” 

The chairman agreed to contact them and also to raise the speed with which tractors are travelling along the village roads. 

Cllr Mosedale presented the financial report which is appended to these minutes. 

Cheques were approved for payment to EON, Mr A Ogg and Ms Bowley. 

Cllr Mrs Woodman had attended the cluster meeting held on September 20 at Witham St Hughs. The speaker was Ben Atkins , Lost Village director. He gave an insight into the organisation and 

management of the event. He invited proposals from the parishes for projects which may be 

acceptable for funding contributions from the Lost Village. 

Cllr Mosedale reported the latest traffic statistics , there is a continual increase in vehicles using our class C village roads. 

It was proposed and agreed to invite an officer from the Road Safety Partnership to meet with Cllrs for a site meeting. 

Cllr Mrs Overton, LCC arrived at 7pm. 

The meeting was suspended allowing Cllr Overton to give her report. This is available on the parish website. 

The meeting went into a closed session to discuss appointing a clerk and financial officer 

Two applicants have been contacted and offered interviews. 

Ms Kerrie Vickers responded and will be interviewed by the chairmen. 

The meeting closed at 7.45