
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on
Wednesday 2nd December 2014 in Aubourn Clock Tower
At 7.30pm
Present at the meeting
Chairman Mrs P. Woodman MBE, NKDC Cllr Mrs S. Howe, Cllrs; M. Coulson, D. Knott, S. Dinsdale and the Clerk.
Cllr. Mrs Woodman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Police and Public Time
The PCSO arrived and was then called away to a RTA, however she informed us , that no crimes have been committed since our last meeting.
There was one member of the public present.
The member of the public present showed interest in the volume of speeding cars that travel from A46 into Haddington. He pointed out that in his opinion the SID was situated too far into Haddington, he believed it would be more beneficial for it to be closer to the 30MPH sign as you first come into the village. Cllr Mrs Woodman MBE said that the SID can be situated where we feel it will be most beneficial, as long as there is an appropriate post to attach it to. Cllr Coulson explained that the interactive speed signs are expensive and that we are discussing the passive road signs later in the meeting.
He also expressed fear of a serious accident occurring, he stated that when a lorry is travelling both ways on the road outside his property, one lorry has to mount the kerb as the road is just not wide enough. Cllr Mrs Woodman MBE explained that she has tried but sadly cannot get a weight restriction on the roads.
Litter was also highlighted, he said that he often has to pick litter from his garden that is deposited by passing vehicles, Cllr Mrs Woodman MBE said that in the parish we rely on volunteers to litter pick as we do not have a handy man..
No apologies.
Cllr Coulson declared an interest in the finances as he had purchased a gas bottle for the Clock Tower heating. Cllr Dinsdale also declared an interest in an email from his wife, the treasurer of the playground committee which she had sent, regarding a possible contribution from the parish council.
The minutes were read and duly signed by the Chairman. There were no matters arising.
NKDC report was presented by Cllr Mrs Howe.
On Sunday 14th December there is a an annual Christmas Market at Whisby, and a Christmas
Craft Fair at Hill Holt Wood also on December 14th, 10am ‐4pm with Christmas carols and
local homemade produce on sale.
The next cluster meeting is 16th February at The Hammond Hall Bassingham.
Cllr Mrs Woodman MBE reported that she, Alan Brown and Steve Walsh from Highways had
a site meeting last Tuesday. Cllr Mrs Woodman pointed out all the places that we have
raised previously, the hole in the road at Suttons Corner the splitting road on the corners of
Harmston Road and those going from Haddington to South Hykeham. Alan Brown had the
road repaired that afternoon at Suttons Corner as he felt it was dangerous.. Cllr Knott
reported that sadly the entire repair at Suttons Corner had been washed out by the volume
of lorries passing on the road. Cllr Woodman MBE reported that it is only a “C” road and
was not built or designed for such weight and volume.The Clerk has emailed and reported
the hole again to Highways.
The clerk reported emailing Alan Brown, regarding the sign at the end of Bridge Road that is
still missing and the finger sign that has been knocked askew at the end of Church Road. Cllr
Knott noted that it has been 6 months now since we first reported the missing sign to
highways on Bridge Road. Cllr Mrs Woodman MBE requested the clerk, to email every day
until the sign is up.
The passive road signs were agreed by all Cllrs. The Clerk is to process the application form
to get our preferred sights agreed by the Road Safety Partnership.We are asking for 6 free
signs and will purchase a further 6.
Cllr Mrs Woodman reported that Brant Broughton has sourced 30MPH stickers which
residents, in the High Street, have been asked to stick on their wheelie bins. , no permission
had to be sought from the Police or Highways to do this. Cllr Knott reported that the stickers
do make an impact when you are driving. . It was agreed that for the February meeting an
A5 flyer is to be designed,to be distributed to each house , so we can gauge the reaction of
residents to a similar scheme.
Cllr Mrs Woodman reported that the application from Harmston Quarry to extend their
working hours to 7pm had been withdrawn by the applicant. A new application to extend
the working hours until 6pm would be heard on the 8th December at Lincolnshire county
council. Cllr Mrs Woodman reported that the District Council unanimously objected to the
Cllr Mrs Woodman thanked Cllrs Coulson and Dinsdale for the work they have done on the
Clock. Mr Woodcock has repaired and replaced some of the wood for the housing of the
bells and has informed us that a cost of £40 has been incurred. This will be paid when we
receive an invoice.
As yet no member of the community has come forward to stand as Cllr, despite the adverts
in the Witham Staple and Herald and the posters on the notice boards and in the pub.
Cllr Dinsdale completed a form of personal details in order to process the new mandate
form by Barclays bank.
Clerk reported that the VAT claim form has now arrived in the post and the sum the parish is
claiming back is £457.04.
The Precept was discussed and agreed by all Cllrs. It will be finalised at the February
Meeting unless the District Council requires it earlier. If so, the Parish Council Meeting will
be held at the end of January. All Cllrs were happy with the amounts stated on the Precept.
Cllr Mrs Woodman suggested that the Parishes assets were reviewed at the February
Cllr Mrs Woodman read out the email regarding Council Tax Benefits, no comments were
made by the Cllrs.The Clerk will report the Cllrs response.
Cllr Mrs Woodman also discussed the Neighbourhood Plan stating the parish is currently not
targeted for any development.
The chairman suggested that Cllr Dinsdale and the Clerk should attend separated training
courses designed to support their roles. The clerk reported that the new time table of
courses is still being drawn up,and will pass information to Cllr Dinsdale once it is available.
Cllr Mrs Woodman reported that the Cluster Meeting held on 10th November at Norton
Lodge, had a speaker from Newark Hospital who highlighted the distance patients would
have to travel to receive hospital care, if Newark Hospital resources were cut further.
Carlton Le Moorland Parish Clerk, has since sent an email to local parishes regarding the
hospital. Clerk to email to all Cllrs and send a response back to Debbie Parker.
Luisa Mckintosh from NKDC gave a presentation on Neighbourhood Plans, more
information can be found on the website.
The parish is pleased to be receiving a Christmas Tree from the Bassingham Ball Committee,
again this year. The tree will be erected and decorated this weekend. Cllr Dinsdale is to look
into getting a trip strip to ensure the safety of the electricity cable running to and from the
Cllr Mrs Woodman suggested that perhaps the Playground Committee would like to sing
Christmas Carols around the tree. Cllr Dinsdale reported that they are singing in Aubourn
Hall Court Yard on the 21st December.
Meeting closed at 9.15pm
Next Meeting will be held on Wednesday 4th February 2015 at 7.30pm.