
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on
Monday 4 June 2018 in the Clock Tower
At 7.30pm
Present at the meeting
Chairman Cllr. Mrs. P. Woodman MBE, Cllrs M. Coulson, D. Knott, S. Dinsdale, F. Harston & the Clerk.
Cllr. Mrs Woodman welcomed everyone to the meeting
1 Public Time
No public were present.
2 Police Time
The police were not present.
3 Apologies for Absence
There were apologies from Cllr S. Howe.
4 Declaration of Interests
Cllr. Mrs Woodman declared an interest in items relating to the clerk.
5 Minutes of the Last Meeting & Matters arising
These were read, agreed and duly signed.
The clerk told of how Eon have agreed to run a check of the electricity used for the period of the high usage.
The dog bin is now in situ, many thanks go to Mr Goddard for repositioning it.
6 LCC Report & NKDC Report
Cllr Mrs Woodman read the NKDC report. The Proteins animal rendering project is out for consultation. The PC are objecting to it.
All local attractions and information are available online.
The clerk gave the financial report.
The church warden has expressed her gratitude to the parish council for paying to have the churchyard railings repaired the cost of which being £252.00.
The governance statement was agreed by the Cllr’s for the audit.
A cheque was signed and sent to Came and Co insurance a week before the meeting as it was due.
The clerk is to query with Eon what the maintenance payments pay for. (Not bulbs)
The clock tower exhibition is open in June. It was decided to have a fundraiser in aid of LIVES. A cake stall, Bric a Brac, plants, refreshments, etc. Cllr Coulson is to put the banner up. Clerk will print posters and distribute.
The cluster meeting will be held in the clock tower on June 25.
Thanks to Cllr’s Dinsdale and Knott for putting the ladder brackets and shelves up in the store room.
The pot holes on Haddington/Thurlby road still have not been repaired. The clerk will take photos and report them again.
There was flooding in Aubourn and Haddington. The clerk will report this to highways LCC.
Manhole covers on Royal Oak Lane and Bridge Road continue to be loose.
Bollards on Butts Lane need attention.
Speeding on Dovecote Lane continues to be a problem. The closure of one end is to be discussed with Cllr Overton.
The faulty streetlight on Bridge Road has been repaired.
Cllr Knott reported that the Sibsey needs the pathway cutting back and he will communicate with the woodland trust.
Cllr Harston reported that SID recorded a speed of 71 mph on Butts lane. The clerk will contact police and request for the speed camera to be used here.
The Clerk emailed highways to ask for the manhole cover on Bridge Road to be looked at as it is impacting the residents lives.
The Clerk is to ask HHW to quote for clearing the pond in Haddington.
10 Planning
No planning.
11 Next Meeting
Monday 2 July 2018 at 7.30pm.
Meeting closed at 9pm