
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on
Monday 5th December 2016 in Aubourn Clock Tower
At 7.30pm
Present at the meeting
Chairman Cllr. Mrs. P. Woodman MBE, Cllrs M. Coulson, S. Dinsdale, D. Knott, F. Harston & the Clerk.
Cllr. Mrs Woodman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Police Time
There has been no reported crime.
Public Time
There were 2 members of the Public were present.
The phone box in Aubourn is to be decommissioned and the phone is to be removed. The parish council have the opportunity to buy the phone box for £1. The members of the public would like to organise a group to maintain the phone box as the parish council do not wish to have this responsibility.
Apologies for Absence
Cllr Sue Howe sent her apologies.
Declaration of Interests
Cllr. Mrs Woodman declared an interest in items relating to the clerk.
Minutes of the Last Meeting
These were read, agreed and duly signed.
Matters Arising
There were no matters arising.
Closed meeting
Chairman and clerk left while the clerk’s salary rise was discussed.
Cllrs Coulson proposed a rise to £11.777 per hour and Cllr Dinsdale seconded it.
NKDC Report
A report from Cllr. Mrs. Woodman was read out stating that all local attractions information are available online.
Breakdown on separate sheet.
The precept was discussed and finalised.
There is no objection for planning ref: (phone box) and Ref: (Church noticeboard)
Mr Whitlam wrote to thank the pc for the hamper which was given as a thank you for 20 years of litter picking.
Cllr Harston‐ reported that he has reported a tree in the weir, requested a police speed gun on Dovecote lane
Cllr Knott‐ reported that the verge on Royal Oak lane is badly churned up and requested another email to LCC highways regarding the church finger post.
Next Meeting
Monday 6th February 2017.
Meeting closed at 8.55pm