
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on
Monday 1st February 2016 in Aubourn Clock Tower
At 7.30pm
Present at the meeting
Chairman Cllr. Mrs. P. Woodman MBE, Cllrs M. Coulson, D. Knott, F. Harston, Cllr. Mrs. S. Howe, Cllr R. Philips, PCSO Lingard & the Clerk.
Cllr. Mrs Woodman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Police time
PCSO Lingard reported that there had been 2 burglaries of garden equipment and an attempted burglary of a Land Rover.
Public Time
No Public.
Apologies for Absence
Cllr S. Dinsdale.
Declaration of Interests
Cllr. Mrs Woodman declared an interest in items relating to the clerk and finances.
Minutes of the Last Meeting
These were read, agreed and duly signed.
Matters Arising
Cllr Harston put forward the possibility of getting a litter bin on Stone Lane, Haddington due to the amount of litter left. The new Dovecote notice board at Haddington has 2 mistakes on it. This has been reported to NKDC.
The 30mph repeater sign on the green at Haddington is missing. The clerk will email Highways and request it be replaced. The possibilities of a chain link fence on the green at Aubourn are ongoing. There is also a new tree that has been planted on the green at Aubourn. Cllr Mrs Woodman will contact the relevant services at NKDC to establish why we were not informed.
LCC Report
Cllr Ray Philips came to talk about the proposed closure of both local waste amenity sites at the request of the parish council. He reported that LCC have had to make £40m savings on all departments. The waste contractor’s contracts are due to expire shortly and since LCC do not own either site they feel it would make better financial sense to close both these sites and concentrate their efforts on the two other sites they do own. (Sleaford and Lincoln).
The Parish Council stated that both the sites due to close are in constant use by
all the rural community and that it will be our country lanes that will become the
victim of fly tipping.
NKDC Report
Cllr. Mrs. Sue Howe reported that all local attractions information are available
online. NK sports centre refurb continues to progress and is scheduled to be
completed in the spring. The Cluster meeting will be held in Brant Broughton on
22 February. NKDC council tax will rise by 2% in comparison to LCC council
Tax is to be increased by 3.95%.
Highways Matters
There is a pothole on the hill near Beacon Hill Cottage.
The verge outside 7 & 8 on Royal Oak Lane is badly churned up. The finger sign
opposite the church is down. There is a tree with large branches on Bassingham
Road that look dangerous. The verge on Dovecote lane is badly churned up.
Planning application 15/1294/FUL Hall Farm Cottages received a Granted
Cllr Coulson is to bring a heater to the next meeting for Cllrs to view with the
possibility of buying similar for the clock tower.
Cllr Mrs Woodman has arranged for the clock to be serviced.
Linc Security have not been in touch regarding the alarm.
The precept was completed at the February meeting.
A form for Cllr Harston is to be obtained from Barclays to enable him to be a
It was agreed to give Mrs Govier a cheque for £20 in thanks for the electricity
used and her services for switching the Christmas tree lights on and off for the
duration it was up.
Financial Breakdown on separate sheet.
The new electoral rolls were given out.
Next Meeting
Monday 7th March
Meeting closed at 9.10pm