May 2022



Minute no: 




In attendance: Cllr Mrs Woodman MBE, Cllr  Mosedale, Cllr Harston, Cllr Mrs Plackett-Smith, Cllr Mrs Green (N.K.D.C), Cllr Mrs Overton (LCC), Kerrie Vickers (Parish Clerk). 4 members of the public. 


Cllr Mrs Woodman welcomed everyone to the Annual Parish Council Meeting.  


PUBLIC TIME – Public comments were addressed in the Annual Parish Meeting 


DISTRICT/COUNTY COUNCIL NEWS - Cllr Mrs Green had previously supplied her report which had been circulated to the Councillors, a copy of which can be received on request to the Clerk.  She discussed the achievements made by NKDC over the past year and gave an update on the Ukrainian refugees now settling into the district.  Cllr Mrs Green thanked Cllr Mrs Woodman for her service as Chairman and praised her dedication to the Parish Council. 


Cllr Mrs Overton had previously supplied her report which had been circulated to the Councillors, a copy of which can be received on request to the Clerk.  She expressed the need for community support during the difficult times ahead. 


Cllr Mrs Woodman discussed the recent road works with Cllr Mrs Overton and in particular how the contractors only ‘fix’ the issue they have been sent to do and leave other issues which are obvious to the eye.  Cllr Mrs Overton advised that the contractors have been instructed to be more flexible in future and to ‘fix’ issues that were in the vicinity accordingly. 




ELECTION OF CHAIR & VICE CHAIR - Cllr Mrs Woodman proposed Cllr Mosedale as Chairman, seconded by Cllr Harston. All agreed. Cllr Harston proposed Cllr Mrs Woodman as Vice Chairman, seconded by Cllr Mosedale. All agreed. 




MINUTES FROM LAST MEETING held 11th April 2022. The minutes were approved and signed.  All previous actions dealt with.  


DECLARATION OF INTEREST No declarations made. 













Community Account - £29109.71 

Business Premium Account 1 - £3252.87 

Business Premium Account 2 - £1380.36 

Cheques to be approved and signed: 

 £290.72 Clerks' Salary & Agreed Expenses; £15.00 Cleaning Clock Tower; £105.00 Lighting Conductor Inspection; £2038.00 Speed Indicator, Grass Cutting & Tree Work in Church Yard £210.00, Cleaning of War Memorial £795.00. 


CLERKS REPORT  - the annual insurance policy is due to be renewed.  Cheque to be signed outside of meeting once quote has been finalised.   

The Clerk expressed concerns that the internal audit had still not been undertaken.  The Councillors agreed to look into this as a matter of urgency. 



PLANNING - 22/0483HOUS Lindum View, Butts Lane. No concerns.  


LIGHTNING CONDUCTOR  - The report and quotes from the recent lightning conductor inspection were previously circulated to the Councillor’s.  Cllr Harston proposed we take the lowest quote to rectify the issue.  Seconded by Cllr Mrs Woodman, agreed by all. 




THE SIR CHRISTOPHER NEVILE/SUMMERS CHARITY – Cllr Mosedale gave a brief summary of the charity.  Cllr Mrs Woodman nominated Cllr Plackett-Smith as treasurer.  Seconded by Cllr Mosedale, and agreed. 


CHAIRMANS REPORT  - Cllr Mosedale said he was looking forward to the year ahead and hoped to involve some younger members of the Parish in some projects within the Parish. 



Cllr Mrs Plackett-Smith – nothing at present 

Cllr Mrs Woodman  - discussed the pond and the possibility to make this a project for the forthcoming year.   

Cllrs Harston – commented on a job well done on the recent road works and advised the bus shelter needed sweeping.  Cllr Mrs Plackett-Smith agreed to look at this. 

Cllr Harston announced his retirement from the Parish Council and thanked all the members past and present for their assistance and guidance over the 10 years that he had served on the Parish Council, especially Councillor Mrs Woodman for her dedication to the Parish and wished the Parish Council well in the future and to carry on with the good work. 

Cllr Mosedale thanked Cllr Harston for his hard work and dedication and wished him well as did all present. 


WITHAM STAPLE/HERALD - Cllr Harston’s retirement, tables and chairs for sale. 


DATE OF NEXT MEETING  - 28/06/2022 


Meeting closed at 20:15