June 2022

Minutes of Aubourn and Haddington Parish Council Meeting held 28th June 2022 in The Clock Tower in Aubourn at 18:00 

In attendance: Cllr Mosedale (Chairman); Cllr Mrs Woodman MBE (Vice Chairman); Cllrs Earnshaw; Kerrie Vickers (Parish Clerk); 2 members of the public 

Welcome: Cllr Mosedale welcomed everyone to the Parish Council Meeting 

Public Time: n/a 

County/District Council News: Cllr Mrs Green had sent her apologies.  Her newsletter had been previously circulated to the Parish Councillor’s, which included news on Armed Forces Day and the national Police Safestyle project.  A full copy of the newsletter can be received on request to the Clerk.  Cllr Mrs Overton’s newsletter had been previously circulated to the Parish Councillor’s, which featured Jubilee news and photos.  A copy of the newsletter can be received on request to the Clerk. 

Police News: The local Police news had previously been circulated to the Parish Councillor’s, which mentioned anti social behavior and speeding. A copy of which can be received on request to the Clerk 

Minute no: M1.6.2022 

Apologies for absence: Cllr Mrs Plackett – Smith sent her apologies. 

Minute no: M2.6.2022 



Minutes of Last Meeting: Agreed and signed as a true record. 

Minute no: M3.6.2022 


Matters Arising: Councillor Earnshaw asked if the bus shelters had been cleared and offered to take on this task moving forward. 

Minute no: M4.6.2022 


Declarations of Interest : Cllr Mrs Woodman declared an interest in the item regarding Hill Holt Wood. 

Minute no: M5.6.2022 


Finance Report :- 

The internal audit has been completed with no issues or concerns. 

Review and completion of AGAR forms: the clerk had previously circulated the relevant spreadsheets from where the information had been taken. 

Cllr Mosedale read out each point on Section 1 – Annual Governance Statement 2021/22 and each statement was unanimously agreed and the statement signed by Cllr Mosedale and the clerk. 

Cllr Mosedale and the clerk signed the Certificate of Exemption – AGAR 2021/22 Form 2.  Clerk to submit this to the external auditor following the meeting. 

Current Balances:  Community Account £23,750.33. Clock Account £3253.12, Savings Account £1380.46. 

Cheques to be signed: Clerk’s May 2022 salary and agreed expenses (£20) (£290.72; Clerk’s June 2022 salary and agreed expenses (£20) £290.72; cleaning Heritage Centre June 2022 £15.00; repair to lightning conductor £730 + vat; grass cutting in Church yard x 4 cuts £280.00; quarterly streetlight maintenance £179.50 + vat; garden voucher + greeting card for Fred Harston £22.69.  

Minute no: M6.6.2022 


Clerks Report: The bank statements are still not correctly addressed or arriving on time.  Cllr Mosedale now has access to the balances online which are given in the finance report and are correct as of today. Cllr Mosedale recommended the clerk begin the switch process asap.  Seconded by Cllr Mrs Woodman and agreed by all. 

Minute no: M7.6.2022 


New Code of Conduct: it was agreed all Parish Councillor’s would read the new code of conduct prior to the next meeting where a decision would be made.  

Minute no: M8.6.2022 


Phone Boxes: Cllr Mosedale advised,  the 2 phone boxes were looking unkempt and in need of attention.  Historically, a member of the public has agreed to paint the box in Haddington.  Cllr Mosedale suggested the Parish Council buy the paint for the member of the public and put out a request for a member of the public from Aubourn to paint the one there.  Prices for paint to be sought. Seconded by Cllr Mrs Woodman and agreed by all.  Boxes to be inspected.  Cllr Mrs Woodman suggested a survey of the Parish to familiarise the Councillor’s and clerk with the Parish assets.  It was agreed to conduct a survey before the next meeting. 

Minute no: M9.6.2022 


Cluster Group News: Aubourn and Haddington hosted the meeting and it was held at Hill Holt Wood.  The group felt there was a lack of information from the local Police and Crime Commissioners Office and it was agreed to write letters of concern. 

Cllr Mosedale proposed giving a £20.00 donation to Hill Holt Wood in lieu of charges for room hire or refreshments. Seconded by Cllr Earnshaw and agreed.  A cheque was written and signed to be sent by the clerk with a letter of thanks. 

Minute no: M10.6.2022 


The Sir Christopher Neville/Summers Charity: Cllr Mrs Woodman outlined the background of the charity for Cllr Earnshaw and advised that if anyone knew of a family or individual in need, they could nominate them for a donation. 

Minute no: M11. 6.2022 


Chairman’s Report: The new speeding indicator device has now been installed on Butt’s Lane with figures to be added to the weekly reports. 


The period for requesting an election for the vacant Parish Councillor position has now passed and we are able to co-opt.  Interested Parishioner's to be interviewed in the forthcoming weeks with the aim of co-opting at the next meeting. 

Minute no: M12.6.2022 


Individual Councillor’s Reports:- 

Councillor Earnshaw:  The Councillor asked about the progress of the Juliee bench.  Cllr Mosedale advised the delay was due to County Council certification for the person installing the bench.  The bench on Royal Oak Lane is in need of refurbishment and Cllr Mosedale is seeking a cost-efficient way to do this.  Cllr Earnshaw agreed to do the repairs and paint the bench once the materials have been sourced. Cllr Earnshaw to obtain quotes for materials. 

Cllr Mrs Woodman:  The Councillor advised that the Lincolnshire Heritage Open Days are in September and suggested opening The Heritage Centre and displaying the exhibition on the afternoon of Sunday 11th September.  Cllr’s Earnshaw and Mosedale agreed this was a good idea and agreed to assist.  Cllr Mrs Woodman will have a plant stall with any money raised donated to the Air Ambulance. Tea and coffee to be served. 

Minute no: M13.6.2022 


Items for Withham/Herald ; Heritage Open Day; tables and chairs for sale. 

Minute no: M14.6.2022 


Items for Next Agenda: 

Code of Conduct; co-option of new Parish Councillor; asset report following Parish survey 

Minute no: M15.6.2022 


Date of Next Meeting: 25th July 2022