September 2022

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting  held at the Clock Tower on Tuesday 27th September 2022 at 18.00pm. 

Agenda Item 




Councillor Mosedale welcomed everyone to the meeting  


Public Time

No public in attendance


Police Time

No recent newsletters have been received from the North Hykeham Police team or the Crime Commissioners office. 


District/County Councillor’s 

Councillor Mrs Green’s (NKDC) newsletter had been previously circulated.  She discussed the tributes left for her majesty the late Queen in Sleaford.  She advised that members of the public have until October 17th 2022 to have their say on measures to improve polling station accessibility via the Electoral Commission website.   

She also wanted members of the public to be aware of a bogus email purporting to be from HM Government regarding the £400 energy payment. There is no need to register for the scheme and or supply bank details as discounts are automatic. 

A copy of the full report can be obtained from the clerk on request. 


Formal session 



Ratification of Co-option 

After careful consideration, following the previous interview process, the Parish Council decided unanimously to co-opt Mr Jason Snape as the new Parish Councillor.  Councillor Snape was invited and welcomed to the table to proceed with the meeting in hand.


In Attendance 

Councillor Mosedale (Chairman); Councillor Mrs Woodman MBE (Vice Chairman); Councillor Earnshaw; Councillor Snape. Kerrie Vickers (Parish Clerk). 



Councillor Mrs Plackett-Smith 


Minutes of Previous Meeting 

Agreed and signed as a true record. 




Matters Arising 

Paint for phone boxes.  The Clerk has priced up the paint but the ‘official’ paint is very expensive (£71.28 for 2.5 ltrs).  She has found an alternative of £45.99 for 2.5 lts.  Cllr Earnshaw advised any suitable paint should be sufficient and proposed to seek alternatives.  Seconded by Cllr Mrs Woodman and agreed by all.   

The Jubilee bench has still not been ordered due to County Highways installation issues.  The Clerk had the 3 quotes £449.17 inc vat, £390.31 inc vat and £434.40 inc vat.  Cllr Earnshaw proposed the cheapest bench, seconded by Cllr Snape and agreed by all.   

Clerk to seek alternatives 


Clerk to order 

Declarations of Interest 



Finance Report 

Bank reconciliation :-  

Community account £22,958.73 

Clock Tower account £3,254.12 

Cheque signed out of meeting following Chairman’s action 

Yandles materials for bench repairs £224.42 

Cheques for agreeing and signing; 

Green’s voucher – audit thank you £20.00 

Cleaning of Heritage Centre £20.00 

Eon quarterly maintenance £215.40 

Clerk’s August salary and agreed expenses (£20) £ 290.72 

Reimbursement to Clerk for items purchased at Yandles for bench repair £43.96 

Grass cutting in Church yard  - August £70.00 

Cleaning in Clock Tower £15.00 

A standing order has been put in place for the Clerks’ salary and agreed £20 expenses to be paid on the last day of the month commencing September 30th 2020. 

Authorised online by Cllr Mosedale and Cllr Earnshaw  

Income received 

£50 goodwill gesture from Barclays Bank 

£50 from sale of chairs 

£65 from sale of tables 

VAT refund £1240.30 

Eon refund £147.89 

Agreed and signed 

Clerk’s Rport 

The accounts with Unity Trust Bank are now set up with online banking facilities. 

The Barclay’s accounts are now closed. 

There are now only 2 accounts, the Community Account and the Clock Tower Account, the previous savings account has now been moved into the Community Account.  

The Clerk declared she had taken up a new position as Parish Clerk for Thorpe on the Hill commencing October 2022. 

The top on the notice board at the Clock Tower has come off.  






Cllr Mosedale to repair 


Cllr Mrs Woodman suggested inviting a member of the Highways team to the next meeting to assist with progressing the possibility of reducing the speed limits on Church Road, Bassingham Road, Bridge Road and Harmston Road.  Seconded by Councillor Mosedale and agreed by all. 

Some of the passive speeding signs and in need of replacement.  There are no spare signs in storage so more will need to be purchased. 

Clerk to send invite 


Clerk to obtain prices 

Review of Ongoing Actions 


The schedule to replace the old street light lanterns was discussed. Cllr Mrs Woodman proposed obtaining an up-to-date schedule from the Eon maintenance team.  Seconded by Cllr Earnshaw and agreed by all. 

Clerk to contact Eon. 


Litter picking grant – not applying 

NKDC letter – no comments 

Submission of local plan – no comments 

Damaged drain cover on Suttons Corner – the drain has been covered and a warning cone put in place with works scheduled. 


Nevile/Summers Charity 

No news. 


Chairman’s Report 

Cllr Mosedale advised he had attended the MP’s session at Norton Disney and spoke to the MP (Caroline Johnson) about the disappointment in response/attention received from the Police Commissioners Office.  Ms Johnson subsequently wrote to the Crime Commissioners Office and has received an email advising that as a rural community with low crime rates, there were no plans to make any changes to the current level of Policing in the Parish. 

Cllr Mosedale also attended the North Hykeham relief road exhibition. 


Individual Councillors Report 

Cllr Mrs Woodman asked the Councillors if they wished to reschedule the recently cancelled Heritage Open Day.  Councillor Snape agreed this would be a good idea as an opportunity to raise funds for the Air Ambulance.  Councillor Earnshaw proposed Sunday 27th November, seconded by Councillor Mrs Woodman and agreed by all.  It was agreed to have a Christmas theme if possible, with mince pies etc.   

Cllr Earnshaw advised he has removed the bench on Royal Oak Lane and has almost completed the renovation.  He has been approached by residents enquiring if it would be possible to have some planters sited with the bench.  To be taken to next meeting for discussion.  

Cllr Snape advised that the Facebook page was up and running and asked about a social media Policy.  Cllr Snape agreed to look into a policy to be adopted. 

Cllr Snape and Councillor Earnshaw also discussed the lack of amenities for children in the Parish and suggested the possibility of hiring some land for a play area. 

Clerk to put advert in Staple and Herald. 

Clerk to get pricesCllr Snape to progress 

Cllr’s Snape & Earnshaw to look into this  

Items for Staple/Herald 

Heritage open day, reminder of speeding results obtained by SID’s.

Clerk to action 

Items for Next Agenda 

Planters for next to bench on Royal Oak Lane. Heritage open day. 


Date of Next Meeting 

17th October 2022  Meeting concluded at 20.00pm